At Metropolitan Endodontics, we’re experts at addressing damaged and cracked teeth. If you notice that a tooth is hyper-sensitive or visibly damaged, we encourage you to contact our office immediately so we can schedule an appointment for you. Using our advanced technology, we’ll examine your tooth and offer treatment options for you.
Cracked or broken teeth typically hurt so much because the enamel, which is the outermost layer of your teeth, is no longer there to protect the more sensitive structures beneath it. The dentin, which is located underneath the enamel, has microscopic tubules that are very sensitive and can trigger discomfort when you breathe in air, or drink or eat anything that’s particularly hot or cold. If the damage is substantial, your pulp, which is a cluster of nerves and soft tissue located inside of your tooth, may even be exposed, causing shocking pain. It’s best to avoid drinking or eating anything until your tooth has been treated.
There are multiple ways to treat a cracked or broken tooth, depending on how severe the damage is. If the crack or damage has affected the pulp you may require root canal therapy to keep it from becoming infected and avoid needing an extraction.
To prevent cracked and damaged teeth, it’s important to remain mindful of the foods you eat, avoid using them to open packages or as a tool, stop bad oral habits like nail biting, and protect them from grinding and trauma. You can do this by investing in a custom-made grinding mouthguard or sportsguard and avoiding eating anything that’s hard. Even though your teeth are incredibly strong, they’re not immune to damage, so it’s crucial that you always remain mindful of what you’re using them for and any bad habits or potential risks that could put them in harm’s way.